Saturday, July 07, 2007


Wow, it's been almost (though not quite) a year since I updated this. And yet there's still not much to say. I am that dull. Luckily since nothing is especially time sensitive it's not really out of date.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Recollections of Max & Sophie-isms

While the brain-softening meds I am currently on don't help a lot for my memory, I just recalled two Max and Sophie-isms that I have to record.

Recollection one:

Max and Sophia both had issues with learning how to pronounce the work "breakfast." At one point when Sophie was about four, and Max seven, we had just come downstairs. Sophia asked, "what's for brekstsist?"
Max, annoyed, said, "Sophie, it's breepis, not brekstsist!"
Sophia responded, "Brekstist!"
Haley and I did eventually stop laughing long enough to break in, and clear matters up for them.

Recollection two:

When Sophia was learning the Alphabet song, she had her own distinct way of singing it:

A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-and a little-P.

-added note. Apparently my recollection is worse than I thought, as I posted the alphabet song in Feb. of '05. Oh well.

Monday, July 31, 2006

This is for real!

Peace & Love

Receiving this letter is the most monumental occurrence that will ever happen in your life. This is not a business scam. You do not need to send money. This is the letter first written by Hermes Trismegistis in 10,000 B.C. Hermes was the great Egyptian leader, the inventor of writing, and great healer. He wrote this letter out of love to give the power of luck to you and all the others who receive it.
Abraham received a copy of this letter, and sent twenty copies. He was blessed greatly, as we all know. Moses received a copy of this letter, and he mailed twenty copies. Two weeks later he saw the burning bush. One copy was placed in the Ark of the Covenant. Moses sent fourteen other copies to a various Canaanites, Sodomites, and one person in Jericho. They all laughed and threw them away. These peoples were destroyed utterly. Gilgamesh received a copy of this letter mailed twenty copies, and thirty days later he met Enlil. He gave a copy to Enlil, who threw it away, and five days later Ishtar had him killed. Zoroaster, the great Persian mage received a copy of this letter, and sent thirty copies. He became a rich and wise man and glorious leader. Orpheus of Greece received a copy while in Egypt and sent nineteen copies out. He lived an excellent life, except that Euridice, his wife was bitten by a deadly snake, and he ultimately was torn apart by wild maidens. King Minos received a copy of this letter, and threw it away. A month later his wife was sleeping with a bull! King Solomon received a copy and sent out five hundred copies! After this his wealth was unmatched in the ancient world. The Ancient Pharaohs carried the lineage of this letter tradition up to King Tut, who scorned the tradition, and shortly after burning the original copy penned by Hermes, he died. In India a copy found it's way to Siddharta Gotama, who sent Twenty copies and became the Buddha. The letter moved further East, and fell in the hands of Lao Tzu and Confucius, who both sensing it's great import sent copies and earned themselves great distinction. Many who send twenty copies will find themselves becoming great historical figures. Do you want to be a scourge like Rasputin, who openly mocked the letter, or a fool like Napoleon who tossed aside a copy two weeks before Waterloo, or a wise man like Charlemagne, or George Washington, who both copied the letter twenty times, Washington sending copies to Jefferson, Madison, and Franklin all of whom sent twenty copies. The power of this letter can only be used for good if you mail twenty copies, but if you fail to send these copies tragedy will strike, like Rock Hudson, George McGovern, Jerry Brown, Walter Mondale, Liberace, and too many others to mention who had luck until they threw away their letters.
Gerald Feldstein of Chicago received a copy of this letter and sent twenty copies. In two weeks he received three pay raises and a promotion, his car was bought by a collector for five times what he thought it was worth and he received a free box of Godiva chocolates. Jim Kroeger of Los Alamitos, CA, laughed and tossed aside this letter. In two weeks his girlfriend left him, he lost his job and his car dropped it's transmission. Later he sent out twenty copies, and in five days he met a rich woman with very large breasts, got a new job with twice the salary and won a brand new Ford Thunderbird in a contest.
This letter has been in existence for more than 11,000 yrs. and has circled the world three hundred and thirty seven times. Archaeologists have found copies of this letter in more than fourty two languages, all over the world, and from periods across history. There are few major world political events that have not been influenced by it. Send out the letter, keep the chain going. Send copies to world leaders, loved ones and others whose lives you would like to see turned around. Take a step, do it...
By the Nile, and the powers above and below, the power of the Luck Plane is now active in you, respond by mailing out twenty copies or you will suffer the loss of luck.
H. Trismegistus.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Sophie was talking to the mother of a friend of hers. She explained that she likes to wear makeup since it scares the boys.

On a separate note, tonight she explained that "first you go to College, then you go to Grad. School, then you get to live on your own for a little while before you move back home."

A Proposal for Max

Just after Sophie had a friend over to visit who likes to taunt Max, we went into Max' room and found this:

Sunday, May 28, 2006

New Coin

We got a new coin. It is an Athenian tetradrachm from c.420 BC - 24 mm - 17.0 g. It's cool.

Blogs suck

The problem with blogs is that when you ignore them for months they seem really pathetic.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Real Power

The other day Sophie said to me, "Will power is way more powerful than batteries."

Friday, August 05, 2005

Max the melodrama master

Back from a significant hiatus. Haley was in CA for almost a month since her father had heart surgery, we went out to CA and visited with the fam., saw my sister along the drive. And Max and Sophie said a bunch of great things I didn't write down...

This evening after Max' sleepover was delayed (since we are going to Six Flags Fiesta Texas tomorrow), Max picks up camera, points it at itself, shoots picture.

Max: Do you know what this is? This is a picture of me never getting to do anything fun.