Sunday, February 20, 2005

Stone Pix

The doctor was kind enough to give me some photos he took while he was in there blowing up the stone. Images are not to scale, as the actual stone was about 3.5 cm in diameter. As far as I could tell, he seemed to really enjoy blasting it to bits with a laser.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Another Sophieism

When Sophie was about 4 she was singing the Alphabet song thus:

A B C D E F G H I J K and a little P ...

I Survived

I am back at the house post-surgery. The doc. gave me a cool photo of the stone, I need to scan that. I am currently in agony, but the pain meds are taking the edge off. They also are making it so that I can't play the Uke very well, which is sort of frustrating.

On a separate note, I want a Melodica.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

In For Surgery Tomorrow

So tomorrow morning I am going to go in to get the rock blown up. I think that the xray sort of looks like I ate an iPod shuffle. They are going in with a laser and they are going to hit it with a good blast, and then blow up the smaller pieces. Like Asteroids. I am not looking forward to it, but it is what must be done.

On a separate note, they got all the results from the Pinewood Derby back and Sophie smoked everyone in the pack. Max did pretty well as well, he got second for his den. Since I used the same technique on the axles, and wheels, and got them weighted the same, it is odd how much faster Sophie's car was. Mabye aerodymanics actually matters, hers was more of a teardrop shape.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Uke Fixed

I glued the Islander back together. I have been a bit sensitive about playing it, but it seems to be holding together okay.