Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Recollections of Max & Sophie-isms

While the brain-softening meds I am currently on don't help a lot for my memory, I just recalled two Max and Sophie-isms that I have to record.

Recollection one:

Max and Sophia both had issues with learning how to pronounce the work "breakfast." At one point when Sophie was about four, and Max seven, we had just come downstairs. Sophia asked, "what's for brekstsist?"
Max, annoyed, said, "Sophie, it's breepis, not brekstsist!"
Sophia responded, "Brekstist!"
Haley and I did eventually stop laughing long enough to break in, and clear matters up for them.

Recollection two:

When Sophia was learning the Alphabet song, she had her own distinct way of singing it:

A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-and a little-P.

-added note. Apparently my recollection is worse than I thought, as I posted the alphabet song in Feb. of '05. Oh well.