Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Alas, I'm becoming that guy I never wanted to be.

A while back I had a kidney stone. The worst part about it, besides the sheer agony part, was that I had to get a blood test. The blood test said that my triglycerides were extremely high. So was my bad cholesterol. Apparently, my triglycerides were so high that the measure of good cholesterol could not be accurately measured. Thus, I am now wretched.

When I was younger I had friends that were obsessed with the various kinds of fat content in food. We would go out to eat and they would talk about LDLs and HDLs and about eggbeaters and various kinds of fatty acids found in this food or that. They couldn't eat without going through a ponderous fat-calculus. Then they would eat some awful desiccated flavorless muffin thing that looked horrible, and would cringe when I would put some butter on something. I pitied them.

Now, here I am, forced to think about how to lower my triglycerides, and how to increase my good cholesterol and lower the bad cholesterol. I go to restaurants, and consider which foods are the most 'heart smart.' I'm thinking about buying flax seed oil. I cringe when I think about putting butter on stuff. I'm becoming that guy.



Blogger It'sallaboutbeingHaley said...

Yes but it is so much better to be that guy than to be a dead guy. Well I think it is anyway. Well it is better for me, as I am dependant on you in many ways.

10:01 PM  

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