Tuesday, December 14, 2004

The Cheese Poet

I just found out about James McIntyre. The 'Cheese Poet," widely regarded as the worst dead Canadian poet. Behold the power of cheese:

The ancient poets ne'er did dream
That Canada was land of cream,
They ne'er imagined it could flow
In this cold land of ice and snow,
Where everything did solid freeze
They ne'er hoped or looked for cheese.

 - from "Oxford Cheese Ode"

And from what is probably his masterpiece:
We have seen thee, Queen of Cheese,
Lying quietly at your ease,
Gently fanned by evening breeze;
Thy fair form no flies dare seize.

All gaily dressed, soon you'll go
To the provincial show,
To be admired by many a beau
In the city of Toronto.

 - from "Ode on the Mammoth Cheese" 


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