Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Max and Sophieisms

I was cleaning out my HD of old files and I discovered that I had saved some of the funny things Max & Sophie used to say in a file. Behold:

Max: These commercials were getting a little too adequate with me.

Me: Hey Sophia, you are cute.
Sohia: No I am'nt. I am a girl.

Max (while watching Pokemon Three): This should be called Pokemon Five, you know. Because it should have a number Five on it.

Max: Guess how big our city is? It's 158 feet tall. It's that big.

Max: Hey Dad, how long is a half?
Me: Umm, a half hour?
Max: No, just a half.
Me: Well, you have to have a half of something, a half isn't a measure of time.
Max: Yes it is, what about when you say "an hour and a half?"

Max: If you could have any superpower which would you have?
Me: Flying. That way I could take a carpet along and have a flying carpet.
Max: I would have the ability to turn into super sharp paper. Then I could be folded up really small, and I could cut anything since paper cuts are the worst.

Sophia: I tasted a cloud - it tastes like cotton candy. Yum.
Me: Where did you get the cloud?
S: Out of the sky.
M: How did you get a cloud out of the sky?
S: With a net.
M: Where is the net?
S: In my room.
M: Is it there now?
S: No, I ate it.
M: Did the net taste like cotton candy?
S: It tasted like nothing.

Me sitting in chair. Sophie is sitting in my lap playing with Silly Putty.
Sophia: Look. (holding out apparently empty hand)
Me: What am I looking at?
S: Imagination.
Me: Oh. What do you do with it?
S: I eat it. (brings hand to mouth) Mmm. It is in my throat.
Me: What does it taste like?
S: Sears.
Me: Sears? Like the store?
S: ...(something I can't understand) It is yummy. Yum Yum good. Yummy good. Deeeeelicious.
Me: Oh. Like cherries?
S: Like cherries and strawberries. (picking at my shirt) More imagination. (moves hand to mouth) Yum. Want some?
Me: No thanks. So where do you keep your imagination?
S: In a pond.
Me: In a pond?
S: Yes, the pond here. (points to chair arm)
Me: Oh. Is that why you are always talking about frogs?
S: Yes if you act like this you turn into a frog. Then I turn back into a girl.
Me: Oh. Do the frogs eat imagination?
S: No, they guard it. They all guard it in the pond with the other animals.
Me: They guard it?
S: Yep. From the dogs that are in the pond. They watch out for my imagination because there are dogs in the pond. It's my little pond. Is it cute?
Me: I think it's cute.
S: You know I don't have any babies yet. When I was a baby I was this big. (holding her hand in a small circle. Then grabs hand and tries to close my PowerBook cover as I record this conversation).


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