Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Hostess Comic Book Ads

Great old ads from comics starring various superheros hawking Hostess products:

Scared Of Santa

I meant to post this a few weeks ago. Oh well.
This is a great bunch of images of kids terrified by Santa.

Monday, December 27, 2004


We all had a nice Christmas/Solstice/Chanukah.

Oddly, every year we never seem to have the right number of candles for Chanukah.

On Xmas eve we left cookies and a Pepsi for Santa (the Pepsi was Sophie's idea), along with some carrots for the reindeer. On Xmas day we started out at our house, and went over to Renee's house later in the day. We all got stuff.
a large Easel, art supplies galore, a robot bear toy thing, build-a-bear gift certificate (she already has gotten herself a bear), and a lot of other stuff.
Super Mario Party, Pokemon Ruby, and Paper Mario (all video games), a P.E.T. (an electronic game), a number of LEGO kits, and various other stuff.
mostly cash.
Camera Tripod, Big frying pan, some clothes, socks, and other stuff.
Ukulele case, Uke book, Music Theory book, a SQL book, an ancient coin (still waiting for it to arrive by mail), and other stuff. The coin is very cool since it is from the reign of Antiochus IV, who was mostly responsible for the events surrounding Chanukah.

I will post images later.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Turf Wars

I was dropping off some laundry in Max' room when I found the door closed and the following warnings were posted:

Heading back to Sophie's room, I found that a counterattack had already taken place:

Wow. I never thought the conflict would escalate over whether one was a supporter of flowers. Looks like there is also a bit of tension over whether one supports the skull and crossbones. This one is really tough one for me since I like flowers, but I also think that the Jolly Roger is sort of cool.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Sophie wanted this recorded for posterity:

Sophie started a little song, "on the hundredth day of Christmas my true love gave to me..."

I followed with, "on the 350th day of Christmas my true love gave to me, nothing because she had gone broke."

This inspired Sophie to come up with, "on the 2039th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, nothing because I was totally insane."

Sophie is excited that we can publish stuff on the internet. She is also confused about why I would mention this. And annoyed that I mention that she's surprised.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

"My Mother"

When she was in Kindergarten Sophia filled in blanks in a form to describe her Mom:
My Mother
by Sophie

My mother has _brown_ hair and _brown_ eyes. She is _20_ years old.

My mother is prettiest _when she goes scrapbooking_

My mother likes to _make scrapbooks_

My mother is funniest when _"she's not funny."

I like her to cook _broccoli_

I don't like when she cooks _peas_

Oddly Sophie actually doesn't like broccoli that much and we never really have peas.

Max and Sophieisms

I was cleaning out my HD of old files and I discovered that I had saved some of the funny things Max & Sophie used to say in a file. Behold:

Max: These commercials were getting a little too adequate with me.

Me: Hey Sophia, you are cute.
Sohia: No I am'nt. I am a girl.

Max (while watching Pokemon Three): This should be called Pokemon Five, you know. Because it should have a number Five on it.

Max: Guess how big our city is? It's 158 feet tall. It's that big.

Max: Hey Dad, how long is a half?
Me: Umm, a half hour?
Max: No, just a half.
Me: Well, you have to have a half of something, a half isn't a measure of time.
Max: Yes it is, what about when you say "an hour and a half?"

Max: If you could have any superpower which would you have?
Me: Flying. That way I could take a carpet along and have a flying carpet.
Max: I would have the ability to turn into super sharp paper. Then I could be folded up really small, and I could cut anything since paper cuts are the worst.

Sophia: I tasted a cloud - it tastes like cotton candy. Yum.
Me: Where did you get the cloud?
S: Out of the sky.
M: How did you get a cloud out of the sky?
S: With a net.
M: Where is the net?
S: In my room.
M: Is it there now?
S: No, I ate it.
M: Did the net taste like cotton candy?
S: It tasted like nothing.

Me sitting in chair. Sophie is sitting in my lap playing with Silly Putty.
Sophia: Look. (holding out apparently empty hand)
Me: What am I looking at?
S: Imagination.
Me: Oh. What do you do with it?
S: I eat it. (brings hand to mouth) Mmm. It is in my throat.
Me: What does it taste like?
S: Sears.
Me: Sears? Like the store?
S: ...(something I can't understand) It is yummy. Yum Yum good. Yummy good. Deeeeelicious.
Me: Oh. Like cherries?
S: Like cherries and strawberries. (picking at my shirt) More imagination. (moves hand to mouth) Yum. Want some?
Me: No thanks. So where do you keep your imagination?
S: In a pond.
Me: In a pond?
S: Yes, the pond here. (points to chair arm)
Me: Oh. Is that why you are always talking about frogs?
S: Yes if you act like this you turn into a frog. Then I turn back into a girl.
Me: Oh. Do the frogs eat imagination?
S: No, they guard it. They all guard it in the pond with the other animals.
Me: They guard it?
S: Yep. From the dogs that are in the pond. They watch out for my imagination because there are dogs in the pond. It's my little pond. Is it cute?
Me: I think it's cute.
S: You know I don't have any babies yet. When I was a baby I was this big. (holding her hand in a small circle. Then grabs hand and tries to close my PowerBook cover as I record this conversation).

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

The Cheese Poet

I just found out about James McIntyre. The 'Cheese Poet," widely regarded as the worst dead Canadian poet. Behold the power of cheese:

The ancient poets ne'er did dream
That Canada was land of cream,
They ne'er imagined it could flow
In this cold land of ice and snow,
Where everything did solid freeze
They ne'er hoped or looked for cheese.

 - from "Oxford Cheese Ode"

And from what is probably his masterpiece:
We have seen thee, Queen of Cheese,
Lying quietly at your ease,
Gently fanned by evening breeze;
Thy fair form no flies dare seize.

All gaily dressed, soon you'll go
To the provincial show,
To be admired by many a beau
In the city of Toronto.

 - from "Ode on the Mammoth Cheese" 

Sunday, December 05, 2004

The Ten Least Successful Holiday Specials of All Time

Thursday, December 02, 2004

What's the difference between a Ukulele and a Ford?

You can tune a Ford.

What's brown and sticky?

A stick.

What is bright orange and sounds like a parrot?

A carrot.