Monday, December 27, 2004


We all had a nice Christmas/Solstice/Chanukah.

Oddly, every year we never seem to have the right number of candles for Chanukah.

On Xmas eve we left cookies and a Pepsi for Santa (the Pepsi was Sophie's idea), along with some carrots for the reindeer. On Xmas day we started out at our house, and went over to Renee's house later in the day. We all got stuff.
a large Easel, art supplies galore, a robot bear toy thing, build-a-bear gift certificate (she already has gotten herself a bear), and a lot of other stuff.
Super Mario Party, Pokemon Ruby, and Paper Mario (all video games), a P.E.T. (an electronic game), a number of LEGO kits, and various other stuff.
mostly cash.
Camera Tripod, Big frying pan, some clothes, socks, and other stuff.
Ukulele case, Uke book, Music Theory book, a SQL book, an ancient coin (still waiting for it to arrive by mail), and other stuff. The coin is very cool since it is from the reign of Antiochus IV, who was mostly responsible for the events surrounding Chanukah.

I will post images later.


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